Love, the mother of all emotions. It brings happiness, joy, and an overwhelming feeling of warmth but it can also bring sadness, anger, even hate if you let your ego take over What I mean by that is you may feel love towards another but you will see very quickly how your ego will interfere if you step back and look at how quick jealousy can come into play.
We've likely all experienced jealousy at some point This is often a clear example of the ego at work, "I saw you looking at them, you like them I just know you do!" or even "if you leave me I'll never speak to you again!" However, one of the most intriguing perspectives is the metaphysical approach to love, which delves into the spiritual and energetic aspects of this profound emotion. By looking at love as what it truly is, it can transcend this physical realm, it weaves its way through past, present, and future lives, connecting us to other souls with whom we share a deep and enduring bond. Please note that when I talk about love this is not limited to just romantic encounters this could be best friends, siblings, or even brief encounters with a complete stranger waiting in line at a store. Love is not just a human experience but goes deep into our soul.
In this hustle and bustle of life, we often encounter fleeting moments of connections that spark a flame within us. These moments, though fleeting, can be intense and have a lasting impact on everyone involved. Just the other day I was 3 cars back in line to turn out of a parking lot. The guy that was next to go stepped out of his car with a sweatshirt and took it to a homeless man that was sitting in his wheel chair and gave him that sweat shirt. I can only speak for myself but when I saw that I saw the hope for humanity that I preach about here, I saw love for another human with no judgement. I do hope that the other drivers saw the same and not cynical thoughts like, "Oh, what is this guy doing? I'm in a hurry!" From a metaphysical perspective, these encounters could be seen as karmic connections, designed to teach us valuable lessons about ourselves and the world around us.
Perhaps we meet someone who mirrors our deepest insecurities, forcing us to confront and heal old wounds. Or maybe we encounter a passionate lover who ignites a fire within us, only to disappear as quickly as they arrived, leaving us with a bittersweet taste of what could have been. These temporary connections, though often painful, serve as catalysts for growth, pushing us to evolve and expand our understanding of love.
The Enduring Bond of Soulmates
While some connections are short lived, others can resonate on a deeper level, transcending the boundaries of time and space. This is where the concept of soulmates comes into play. Metaphysically speaking, soulmates are souls that have shared multiple lifetimes together, their destinies intertwined across the vast expanse of existence. They might be lovers in one lifetime, parent and child in another, or even close friends. I know the idea of past lives might seem abstract at first. But as you explore these concepts and have more profound experiences, it may start to resonate. For now, I simply invite you to keep an open mind and see the beauty in this perspective
These connections are characterized by a deep sense of recognition, a feeling of "coming home" to a familiar embrace. Soulmates often share similar values, goals, and dreams, and their love story unfolds with a sense of inevitability, as if guided by an unseen force.
However, love between soulmates is not without its challenges. Like any relationship, it requires effort, compromise, and understanding. However, the bond between soulmates is resilient, capable of weathering the storms of life and emerging stronger than before. Even when separated by time or circumstance, the connection remains, an eternal echo that reverberates through their souls. That feeling of missing an actual part of your heart.
Hopefully, understanding the metaphysical nature of love it will empower you to navigate your relationships with greater awareness and compassion and encourage you to embrace the lessons embedded within each connection, whether fleeting or enduring.
By embracing the metaphysical perspective, we can deepen our understanding of love's intricate tapestry, appreciating both its transient beauty and its enduring power. It is important that we learn to cherish every connection, short and long, recognizing its unique contribution to our soul's journey. And perhaps, in the process, we can open ourselves to the possibility of finding a love that truly transcends time.
Affirmation's To Help Attract Love
Go into a light mediation and repeat the affirmations that resonate with you at least 3 times. Feel them enter into your mind. Repeat them daily, ideally in the morning and before bed. Visualize yourself experiencing the love you desire. Make it real in your mind. Be patient and trust the process. Love will come when the time is right.
"I am one with the infinite source of love and I radiate that love to all beings."
"I attract loving relationships into my life effortlessly."
"I am open to giving and receiving love in abundance."
"My heart is open to giving and receiving love in abundance."
For self Confidence:
"I am a perfect expression of divine love."
"I forgive myself and others, releasing any blocks to love."
"I am worthy of unconditional love and I deeply love and accept myself."
Manifesting Love:
"I am a magnet for love, attracting my perfect partner."
"I am grateful for the love that surrounds me and the love that is on its way."
"I release any limiting beliefs about love and embrace the limitless possibilities."
"I trust the universe to bring me the love that is meant for me."
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