Mystical Meditation

Published on 23 November 2024 at 11:35

Mystical Meditation, a profound practice rooted in ancient traditions, offers a gateway to higher consciousness. By quieting the mind and connecting with the Universal Consciousness, or Divine Mind, individuals can experience profound transformations.

The Benefits of Mystical Meditation

Regular meditation practice can yield a multitude of benefits, including:

  • Enhanced Mental Clarity: By stilling the mind's incessant chatter, practitioners can experience heightened focus, clarity, and problem-solving abilities.
  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Meditation has been shown to reduce stress hormones, promote relaxation, and improve overall mental health.
  • Emotional Balance: By cultivating emotional awareness, individuals can respond to challenges with greater equanimity and resilience.
  • Spiritual Growth: Deepening one's connection to the divine can foster a sense of purpose, meaning, and interconnectedness.
  • Physical Well-being: Regular meditation has been linked to improved physical health, including lower blood pressure, reduced pain, and strengthened immune function.

The Path to Enlightenment

To fully experience the transformative power of mystical meditation, it is essential to commit to a consistent practice. Over time, as the mind becomes quieter and more focused, deeper states of consciousness can be accessed.

By incorporating meditation into daily life, individuals can cultivate a more peaceful, joyful, and fulfilling existence.

Quieting the Mind in Meditation

Quieting the Mind in Meditation

Whether you are practicing Mystical Meditation or Affirmative Meditation, the primary goal is always to quiet the surface-level thoughts that constantly fill your mind. In Mystical Meditation, this allows for a deeper, more profound connection with the levels of consciousness within, enabling insights to emerge from these deeper layers.

This doesn't mean forcibly suppressing thoughts, but rather gently guiding attention to a single point of focus. Whether it's the rhythm of the breath, a repeated mantra, or a specific object of contemplation, this focused attention allows us to detach from the constant stream of thoughts and emotions.

Quieting the Mind

It’s difficult—if not impossible—to simply stop thinking by sheer willpower. Instead, the most effective method is to concentrate on one singular focus. Here are some ways to guide your attention:

  • Focus on Your Breathing: A common technique is to concentrate on the sensation of your chest rising and falling with each inhale and exhale. You might start by counting silently to five as you breathe in, and again as you breathe out. Eventually, aim to breathe naturally without trying to control it. You can also visualize the air coming in, going down and filling the belly and coming back out.

  • Use a Mantra: A mantra is a word, sound, or short phrase that you repeat silently to yourself. The sound of "Om" (or "Aum") is widely used, but you can choose any word or phrase that does not trigger distracting thoughts.

  • Combine Techniques: You can also combine breathing and mantra. For example, after inhaling slowly, you might mentally repeat "Om" as you exhale.

In all cases, focus your attention on the center of your forehead, where your "Third Eye" is while keeping your physical eyes closed.

As other thoughts inevitably arise, observe them without judgment, and let them pass by like clouds in the sky. Gently bring your focus back to your point of concentration. If you catch yourself lost in thought, don’t criticize yourself. This happens to even the most experienced meditators. Simply return to your focus.

By focusing on a single point of attention, your mind becomes less cluttered and noisy. This quieting of the mind creates a space for deeper consciousness and a connection with the Universal Consciousness or Divine presence.

Quieting Your Mind: Three Techniques for Inner Peace

Quieting Your Mind: Three Techniques for Inner Peace

If you find it challenging to still your thoughts through simple breathing or silent mantra repetition, consider these three techniques to deepen your meditation practice and cultivate a heightened sense of inner awareness.

1. Outer Sense Closure

This technique involves a sensory grounding exercise:

  1. Gentle Pressure: Place your index fingers on your temples, middle fingers on your eyelids, ring fingers on your nostrils, thumbs in your ears, and little fingers on the corners of your mouth.
  2. Focused Awareness: For five minutes, maintain this gentle pressure. This can help to quiet external distractions and draw your attention inward.
  3. Release and Meditate: After five minutes, release the pressure and continue your meditation practice as usual.

2. Aum Breathing

The sacred sound of "Aum" is believed to be the primal sound of the universe. By consciously breathing and vocalizing this sound, you can induce a state of deep relaxation and heightened awareness.

  1. Inhale: As you inhale, make an "A" sound, keeping your mouth slightly open.
  2. Exhale: As you exhale, make a "U" sound, continuing to keep your mouth slightly open.
  3. Silent Exhale: Close your mouth and exhale silently, making an "M" sound.
  4. Repeat: Repeat this cycle seven times.

3. Vibratory Humming

This technique combines the power of sound and visualization:

  1. Calming Music: Play some soft, spiritually uplifting music.
  2. Humming: Close your eyes and hum along to the music.
  3. Heart Center: Focus your attention on the vibrations in your heart center.
  4. Body Scan: Imagine these vibrations spreading throughout your entire body.
  5. Third Eye Focus: After a few minutes, sit quietly, gazing softly at the point between your eyebrows (the Third Eye).

By incorporating these techniques into your meditation practice, you can deepen your sense of inner peace and spiritual connection.

Quieting the Mind: Candle Technique

Candle Meditation for Mystical Connection

This method utilizes a candle's flame to focus your attention and quiet your mind, making it easier to achieve a meditative state conducive to mystical experiences.


  • Place a white candle on a table or desk.
  • Enhance the atmosphere by placing the candle in front of flowers and burning incense. 
  • Photo


  1. Focus on the Flame: Sit with your spine straight, about 12 inches from the candle. Light the candle and gaze intently at the center of the flame, keeping your eyes fixed and your body still. Breathe deeply and allow your focused attention to quiet your mind.

  2. Inner Vision: After 5 minutes, close your eyes and focus on your Third Eye area (center of your forehead). You should see an afterimage of the flame. If not, reopen your eyes and gaze at the flame for a few more minutes.

  3. Inner Concentration: Once you see the flame in your inner vision, concentrate on it. Observe how it may change in color and shape. Breathe normally and maintain your inward gaze until the image fades (usually 2-3 minutes).

  4. Openness to Higher Consciousness: With your eyes closed, continue focusing on your Third Eye area for another 10 minutes. This is when your mind is most receptive to higher consciousness contact.

  5. Gentle Gaze: Open your eyes and observe the flame for a few minutes without intense focus.

  6. Closing: Close your eyes and mentally express gratitude: "Universal Soul... Mind... Light... I thank you." Use what ever words come to mind.

This candle meditation technique offers a visual focal point, making it easier to still the mind and enter a meditative state where you can potentially connect with higher consciousness.

Quieting the Mind : Mandala Technique

The Sri Yantra mandala, a complex geometric design, holds deep significance in Tantric traditions. It's considered a visual representation of the cosmos, embodying both the manifest world and the unmanifest absolute. Each element within the Sri Yantra, from the interlocking triangles to the central bindu (point), carries symbolic meaning, representing different aspects of creation and consciousness.

Using the Sri Yantra for meditation can be a powerful practice. As you focus your gaze on the intricate patterns, your mind gradually becomes absorbed in the visual complexity. This absorption helps to quiet the mental chatter and distractions that often arise during meditation. The Sri Yantra acts as a focal point, drawing your awareness inward and facilitating a deeper connection with your inner self.

Beyond its visual appeal, the Sri Yantra is believed to possess energetic qualities that can influence the meditator's subtle body. By meditating on the Sri Yantra, you may experience a sense of harmony and balance within yourself, as the mandala's geometric structure resonates with your own energetic field. This can lead to a heightened sense of awareness, clarity, and inner peace.

While the traditional method involves gazing at a physical representation of the Sri Yantra, you can also visualize the mandala in your mind's eye. As you close your eyes, imagine the intricate details of the Sri Yantra, allowing its form to emerge vividly in your inner vision. This internalized focus can be equally effective in calming the mind and promoting a meditative state.

Furthermore, the Sri Yantra can be incorporated into other meditative practices. You can use it as a visual focal point during mantra recitation, allowing the sound vibrations to merge with the visual representation. Or, you can contemplate the symbolic meanings of the different elements within the Sri Yantra, deepening your understanding of its profound significance.

In essence, the Sri Yantra serves as a gateway to deeper states of consciousness. By engaging with this sacred geometry, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery, unlocking the hidden potentials within your own being and connecting with the universal energy that permeates all of existence.


  • Prepare the Sri Yantra Mandala:

    • Print out the Sri Yantra mandala. Sri Yantra
    • Attach the mandala to a piece of cardboard or something similar for stability.
    • Place the mandala on a desk or table, about 2 feet in front of you with the mandala at eye level.
  • Set up the Candle:

    • Place a white candle in front of the mandala.
    • Light the candle and position the flame so it is in front of the center of the mandala.
  • Begin Meditation:

    • Sit comfortably with your spine straight.
    • Gaze intently at the center of the mandala through the burning candle flame.
    • Concentrate on the thought that all the energies of your mind are coming together into a state of psychic wholeness, where every aspect of your being is one with the Universe.
    • Breathe deeply.
  • Visualize the Flame:

    • After about 5 minutes, close your eyes and keep them focused on the center of your forehead (your Third Eye area).
    • You should now perceive the flame as an afterimage in your Third Eye area.
    • If you don't see the flame after closing your eyes, reopen your eyes and gaze at the mandala through the flame for a few more minutes.
  • Maintain Inner Vision:

    • Once you can see the flame in your inner vision, continue to focus on it.
    • Observe how it may change in color and shape.
    • Breathe normally and maintain your inward gaze until the image of the flame begins to fade away (usually in 2-3 minutes).
    • Continue to hold in your mind the idea that you are coming into mystical union with the Universe and All-That-Is.
  • Deepen Your Meditation:

    • When the image of the flame is completely gone, keep your eyes closed and continue to focus your conscious attention on the area of your Third Eye for another 10 minutes or so.
    • This is the point in your meditation when your mind is most open to having a higher consciousness contact experience.
  • End the Meditation:

    • Finally, open your eyes and watch the flame for a few more minutes, but not so intently.
    • Close your eyes momentarily and mentally say to yourself: "Universal Soul... Mind... Light... I thank you."


Guided Meditations

Guided meditations can be found on the internet and apps on your phone. To use them find one that resonates with you and follow the steps below.

  1. Prepare: Follow the Meditation Preparation steps outlined in this course. This may include finding a quiet space, sitting comfortably, and setting an intention.

  2. Quiet Your Mind: Choose one of these methods to focus your attention inward for several minutes:

    • Breathing: Close your eyes and concentrate on the natural rhythm of your breath.
    • Mantra: Close your eyes and silently repeat a chosen word or phrase in your mind.
    • Candle Gazing: Open your eyes and gaze at a candle flame. Then close your eyes and observe the afterimage until it fades.
  3. Begin the Guided Meditation: Once you feel your mind has settled, start playing the recording.

  4. Prioritize Experience: If you notice any higher consciousness activity during the guided meditation, shift your focus to that experience. These meditations are tools to help you connect with higher consciousness. If such an experience arises, immerse yourself in it for as long as it feels comfortable.

This approach encourages a balanced approach to guided meditation. While the recordings provide structure and support, it reminds you to remain open to spontaneous experiences and prioritize your own inner exploration.

Contact Experiences in Meditation

Contact Experiences in Meditation

In deep meditation, as you reach a higher state of consciousness, you may experience what is known as a "contact experience." These can manifest in various ways:

Visual Experiences

You might see:

  • Colors: Mist-like clouds or vibrant colors.
  • A Vortex: A funnel of light or color narrowing down to a distant point.
  • Flowers: Symbols of higher consciousness, such as roses, lilies, or lotus blossoms.
  • Religious Symbols: These may include familiar symbols like the Holy Cross or Star of David, or more esoteric images like a flame or a jewel.
  • Religious Figures: You might encounter figures that radiate a spiritual aura, often representing aspects of your own higher consciousness.
  • Birds: Commonly eagles or doves, representing higher consciousness or spiritual transformation.
  • Scenes: You may see images of golden streets, gates, mountains, temples, or otherworldly scenes.
  • Fire: You might feel or see fire in your body, which can lead to a sense of spiritual cleansing.
  • Geometric Patterns: Sacred geometrical shapes indicating psychic wholeness.
  • Astral Light: A brilliant inner light that you can observe but not merge with, maintaining a sense of self.

Auditory Experiences

Audible sensations could include:

  • A Bee-Like Sound: A buzzing sound within the head, often related to consciousness but not necessarily higher consciousness.
  • A Pounding Sound: Similar to the buzzing, this can increase in intensity and is often associated with heightened states of awareness.
  • The Sound of Om: The sound of "Om" or "Aum," felt within your head, signaling a connection with Universal Being.
  • The Music of the Spheres: An ethereal, melodious sound, possibly accompanied by voices, representing the rhythm of the Universe.

Physical Experiences

You might also experience physical sensations:

  • Warmth: A glowing warmth that inspires peace and calm throughout your body.
  • A Flow of Energy: Waves of pleasant energy moving up and down your body.
  • Suspension: A sensation of floating or being suspended in space, filled with bliss and joy.

The Ultimate Contact Experience: Oneness with God

The most profound experience in meditation is the sense of Oneness with God. This experience transcends intellectual understanding and is what mystics strive for. It may include:

  • Seeing Inner Light: A pure white light—the Light of God—which you merge with, losing all sense of personal selfhood.
  • Peaceful Emotional Release: A deep, peaceful release of emotions.
  • Timelessness: The feeling that time has stopped, and you are experiencing the universe in a single, eternal moment.
  • Unity with the Universe: A sense of being one with the entire universe, flowing with the Total Beingness of Life.

Staying Present with the Experience

Whatever type of contact experience you have—visual, auditory, or physical—stay with it as long as you feel comfortable. If you don’t experience anything particular, don’t be discouraged. With consistent meditation, your consciousness will gradually become more open and receptive to the guidance of Universal Consciousness.

Above all, remember that the daily practice of meditation has a profound effect on your life, improving every aspect of your personal and spiritual well-being.