Meditation - Starting Out

Published on 9 January 2025 at 13:56

Before you begin either of these meditations at home, it's important to create an environment conducive to calm and focus. Here are some helpful tips to set the right atmosphere:

  • Choose a Quiet Space: Find a spot in your home where you're least likely to be disturbed.
  • Maintain a Comfortable Temperature: The ideal room temperature for meditation is between 72 and 78°F. If it's too cold, it may distract you; if it's too warm, you might fall asleep.
  • Consider Soft Background Music: If it's not too distracting, gentle, ethereal music can enhance the experience.
  • Use Incense: Light scents like rose, jasmine, or sandalwood may help create a peaceful ambiance.
  • Wear Comfortable Clothing: Choose loose, comfortable clothing that doesn’t restrict movement. It’s beneficial to wear the same outfit for meditation each time to signal to your body that it’s time to focus.
  • Choose Your Position: You can meditate sitting or lying down. Beginners are encouraged to start sitting for about a week, as it’s easier to stay awake. Once you’re comfortable, experiment with both sitting and reclining.
    • Sitting Position in Chair (Recommended):
      • Keep both feet flat on the floor.
      • Rest your hands, palms up, on your lap.
      • Maintain an erect, but relaxed posture.
    • Reclining Position:
      • Cross your ankles.
      • Place your hands folded over the upper center of your body.
      • If possible, position your head to the north and feet to the south.
    • Lotus Position
      • Begin by sitting on the floor with your legs extended in front of you.
      • Bend your right knee and bring your right foot close to your groin.
      • Gently place the sole of your right foot on your left thigh, as close to your hip crease as possible.
      • Bend your left knee and bring your left foot close to your groin.
      • Place the sole of your left foot on your right thigh, as close to your hip crease as possible.
      • Sit upright with your spine straight. Adjust your hips so they are level.
      • Rest your hands on your knees, palms facing up.
      • Don't force it: If you can't comfortably place your feet in the lotus position, don't force it. You can start with a half-lotus pose, where only one foot is crossed over the opposite thigh.

Remember, the goal of meditation is to find a comfortable seated position that allows you to focus on your breath and your inner experience. If this position isn't comfortable for you, use the chair.

  • Mind Your Timing: Don’t meditate on an empty stomach, and avoid meditating immediately after eating when your body is focused on digestion.
  • Create a Protective Visualization: Before you start, you might visualize your body surrounded by a pure, white light that shields you from anything harmful.
  • Start Small, Build Gradually: Begin with a 5-minute session, but aim for at least 20 minutes of meditation. Practice every morning, and ideally in the evening as well. 
  • Use a Timer: To keep track of time, you can use a timer at first. Eventually, you’ll develop an internal sense of time.

Most Important:

  • Consistency is Key: Meditate daily, preferably in the same space and at the same time. This routine will help your mind quickly relax into a meditative state each time.

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